David Gawel's Website

About Me

Me in front of the computer

Hello! My Name is David Gawel, and I am a Software Developer. I love working on low-level systems and high-performance algorithms. I graduated from DePaul University with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I have worked mostly on backend features particularly with Python, Java, and SQL, but also have some experience in frontend development. I have also competed in the ICPC and have advanced to the North American Championship.

A quick over view of where I have worked

Motorola Solutions: Software Engineer Co-Op

I extended my work from my previous internship during the fall of 2022. What I worked on was ...

  • creating a testing framework that verified the responses of an AWS Lex voice bot. Tests were specified within a CSV, allowing for quick and easy test creation with no programming knowledge needed.
  • implementing an instance of HashiCorp vault and integrated it with Jenkins. Used vault to securely handle and store secrets used in user experience testing. Used Jenking to inject these secrets into the executable.

Motorola Solutions: Software Engineer Intern

I worked as a backend developer at Motorola during the summer of 2022. What I worked on was ...

  • transition from ODI's proprietery no code environment to Apache Airflow's free and open source solution.
  • making a user experience testing framework using Selenium and Python. This framework would allow us to quickly make new user experience tests in a matter of hours. Additionally this code would remove the need of boiler plate and incerase robustness, usability, and redability.
  • new feature called ASP by solution view. This allows users to see the status of integrations at a glance, eliminating the need to individually search the status of every integration.

EDS Service Solutions: Detail Specialist

Worked with a team of 3 to clean 30-50 luxury cars daily.


dgawel77@gmail.com LinkedIn GitHub Resume